In this time where we’re experiencing a global pandemic with countries from different parts of the world experiencing lockdowns and facing an uncertain future, I personally think finding and savoring the little joys in life is important.

Here are mine:

1. Drinking a sweet cup of coffee 

While I try to stick to black on most days, when I need a pick me upper these days, I trade that for a sweet cup of coffee. My personal favorite is Kopiko Blanca.

2. Playing Lego Tower

Discovered through Rej and it’s been a great mental break! It’s such an addicting game. If you’re playing, add me: 8JVWS

3. Playing with the cat

Pets can be such stress relievers!

4. Online Window Shopping

I’m due to buy a new moisturizer and serum soon so I’ve used the free time to not only read up on skincare products to try but to list down stuff I want to buy.

5. Drinking Milk Tea

My neighborhood milk tea shop is open for delivery so from time to time, I give in to my craving and order via Foodpanda.

6. Eating taho

Luckily, there’s still someone who goes around the neighborhood selling this

7. Watching Modern Family 

I’ve only just started this a couple of days ago and already am hooked! I love how funny it is and how at the end of the show, there’s also a life lesson.