In quarantine, day xx and missing freedom. We’re 6 months in to the quarantine. Six months since the pandemic hit the Philippines. I find myself constantly being enveloped by frustration, anger and exhaustion. I continue to hope and pray that one of those vaccines being reported in the news on their final stages of human clinical trial will be successful and will find its way to us soon enough. Meantime, as I continue to grapple with the virus and all else that’s going on around the country, I’m looking and talking about the good things that have happened to me as of late. 

Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels
1. Decluttering 

I have made a lot of progress with being able to let go of things! For so long, I’ve kept holding on to my stuff – mostly for sentimental reasons but I’ve finally learned to cherish the memories even when the item is gone. And I am making space for new things too. 
I’ve donated some items to a stranger with kids of her own. I joined a decluttering group on Facebook and posted photos of the stuff I wanted to donated like a couple of activity books from when I was a teenager and a game that my Dad once bought me but we never played. We couldn’t figure out how!😅 I kept it all in a shelf and it just gathered dust. 
2. Making money on the side

Most of the items I’ve been decluttering are my books also from when I was younger like my RL Stine Fear Street, Love Stories and Sweet Dreams collections. You can’t find these in bookstores nowadays. Maybe on Book Sale or thrift stores. I loved reading them and they made me happy. But I’ve not read them in years. It was time to give them new homes and the money I earn from them? Well, that continues to go to helping pay off my credit card debts. 
3. Getting to celebrate my birthday even in quarantine with people I love
The virus is still around even though malls are open now and dine ins are allowed. I celebrated my birthday at home as I didn’t want to risk my family or myself in catching the virus. But just when I thought I was only celebrating with my family, my two dearest friends came for a surprise visit on my special day, bringing with them a lot of food too! I was so thrilled to see them both because I haven’t seen them in months – ever since the lockdown began in March. I wanted to hug them but I held back. Responsible socialization meant we kept our distances from each other, wore masks and stayed in our garage. 
4. My indoor plant collection continuing to grow 
I recently joined barter groups as well on Facebook wherein I exchange some of the stuff I no longer use or want for items that I do want. I’ve had two successful barters so far where I exchanged a perfume and a curling iron for indoor plants. One of the people I successfully did a barter with even gave me an additional indoor plant for free! 


5. Getting a salary adjustment

So I’ve had to make some serious adjustment to my lifestyle since April because my company imposed a paycut. It’s one of the reasons I’ve also been more active in selling my stuff. It’s been three months now since that cut took place and while I am far from receiving my normal salary again, I am relieved to know that we at least got some salary adjustment. It’s not much but every amount helps and brings me closer to my goal of paying off credit card debts, saving and investing. 
6. Getting free cookies as a thank you 
I recently helped out my friend in her own decluttering goal. She had an electric guitar just sitting at home and never used which she got for free when she and her husband bought some other instrument at JB Music. I helped her sell the item and as a thank you, she baked me cookies! My favorite Chewable Cravings fulfilled! 
7. Having a relaxing weekend

I cozied up to a good book, a sweet treat and fresh milk. Yup, it was a quiet weekend and I loved it.
8. Unexpectedly winning in contest giveaways

I like joining giveaway contests and trying my luck. And you know what? I got lucky twice! It’s just awesome to get nice items for free like this Hey Friday earrings and mask.

9. A windfall 

I have also been helping my cousin declutter. Her mom sent a bunch of stuff from abroad that she doesn’t need like kitchen appliances and clothes. We recently sold a non-stick frying pan and pot and she told me she was giving me a part of the sale as a thank you. Awesome! 
10. A watch party with my best friend 

Ryan recommended I watch Hello Stranger on Youtube, which is about boylove. It’s a Filipino series by Blacksheep Productions and I got hooked. Last week, he invited us to do a watch party on the night of the new episode premiere. It was fun to bond like that with him even though it’s just online.  
11. A recorded video greeting and a live video shoutout from the guy I like

No words. Only 💓💓💓
So that’s it for my What Happy Looks Like list for now. What’s on yours?