When the month of October comes rolling around, you’ll start to see Halloween related items at the malls – from trick or treat for kids schedules, Halloween costume ideas for kids and the young at heart alike, horror films at the video stores and scary and downright creepy props you can display in celebration of Halloween.

I’ve always been fascinated with Halloween. I grew up watching Magandang Gabi Bayan  – the Halloween Special on ABS-CBN, various horror films on cable and local TV which of course almost always had the famous Halloween party scenes. So when When in Manila was invited to celebrate Halloween at Izumi Sake Bar at The Fort, I jumped on the chance. 
It was a great night of partying filled with dancing and booze. Lemme share with you the photos I took that night: 
My friend, Maila, decided to go as a She-Devil. Well obviously right? The pitch fork and the horns are a dead giveaway. 
I was supposed to go as a witch but the hat I wanted was all gone by the time I decided to buy. So instead I settled for a dark angel in blue dress. A last minute improvisation. Haha. 
There were those who dressed to the nines with their costumes:
And those who came simply as their fabulous selves…
There were even sexy pole dancers to entertain the party crowd. 

Jose Cuervo really got everyone in that party mode and well drunken mode. Haha. Luckily I managed not to get so drunk otherwise I don’t know where I’d end up. With only two of us at the party, both ladies – definitely not a wise decision to lose one’s self in alcohol. 
And of course, in every get together, there are always those peeps who bring the life to the party. At the Izumi Halloween party, they were those peeps:

It was truly a night to howl. Haha. I’d love to attend another Halloween bash next year with hopefully more friends. After all, the more the merrier right? (“,)