When I attended the 2013 Blogapalooza, I got a lot of freebies! One of them was my very own Enjoy Philippines membership card. I’ve known about this red card since it first came to the Philippines a couple of years back but I never really tried it out ’til I got my own one for free.

This red card offers members discounts from 10% to 50% off in participating establishments in the country from dining, health and fitness, beauty to automotives, nightlife, shopping and living and learning! I’ve been checking out their website for a list of participating establishments and there’s a lot of them! Here are just some of those that I’m personally interested to use my Enjoy card on:

Summit Media – I love magazines from this publisher. I always buy Cosmopolitan every month (it was Candy before when I was a teen) and I occasionally buy and read Preview, Good Housekeeping and Women’s Health. By using my Enjoy card, I get 15% off on a 6-month subscription, 10% off on a 3 month subscription, 20% off on a one year subscription and 25% off for a 2 year subscription!

Fully Booked – I love reading books and I love checking out books at this establishment especially their Fort branch. With my Enjoy card, I get 10% off on cash purchases and 5% off on credit card purchases.

Western Digital Concept Store – Perfect for me because I need to get a new external hard drive to back up my work files! And with Enjoy, I get 5% cash and card transactions on regular items! 

Oh and of course there’s Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf which I frequently go to with Ryan! I just love their English Breakfast Tea Latte! It’s my comfort drink. And I love their Ice Blended White Chocolate Dream too. And with my Enjoy card, I get a free upsize of my coffee drink! 

And actually, this is where my interesting story with Enjoy card comes in. One Wednesday night a couple of weeks back, I met my best friend, Ryan for coffee after work in Glorietta. Ryan and I love meeting up for coffee and we both love CBTL. Anyhow, as I was paying for my Red Velvet hot drink which I had upsized to large, a guy came up to me.
He was tall and moreno with short dark hair and he just came from the gym (I’m assuming Gold’s Gym) as I could tell by his clothes – white jersey shorts, a gym bag slung on his shoulder and a black fitted tank top that showed off his ripped arms. Oh yes, I got all that in a matter of seconds! 
Hot guy alert! I temporarily lost my ability to talk as I waited in excited anticipation what he wanted to talk to me about. I don’t know if my mouth gaped open staring at the hot guy standing right in front of me that time (Gosh I hope not!) but I was totally flustered. When he asked me how I got my Enjoy Philippines card, I do believe I stuttered a little bit as I answered his question. He asked where he could get one too and if it was for free which I was able to answer, yes, but in a stoic manner. 

After the conversation, I told Ryan about it and he confirmed what I thought I should’ve done at that moment when Mr. Gym Hottie who conversed with me in English btw (I love Filipino guys who can speak the language in a grammatically correct manner!). What I should’ve done was flirt a little bit and at the very least smile at him. He wanted the Enjoy card too because he wanted to get a free drink upsize at Coffee Bean and if I wasn’t caught off guard and had I quickly recovered from my state of shock at the dreamboat that was talking to me, I would’ve offered him my Enjoy card like so:
Mr. Hottie: Dude, we should totally get one of those Enjoy cards! It’s free drink upsize everytime here at Coffee Bean! 
In my fantasy, what I said was: 
Me: Turning to him and his friends, “Here, you can use my Enjoy card for that free upsize” as I hand him my card and flash him a flirty smile. 
In reality though, when Mr. Hottie said that to his friends, I hastily took my change and my card and walked hurriedly towards where Ryan was, letting my chance pass by. Moral lesson of the story:  Embrace courage! Oh and never leave home without makeup on and/or with messy hair especially when you’re going out after work to go to the mall because looking pretty helps in mustering up that courage too! 
Anyhow, if you want your own Enjoy Philippines you can visit their website to apply for one: enjoythebest.ph and pay the membership fee of Php1,995. And with the many establishments ranging from food, beauty products, gadgets and even travel and learning that you can get a discount from or a freebie using Enjoy Philippines, you’re getting your money’s worth! 
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