I’ve been attending job interviews the past couple of weeks and one time while I needed to pass the time for my second interview, I decided to try reading a book in Powerbooks. Spending the day reading in Powerbooks was also included in my bucket list so it was really hitting two birds with one stone. It’s so nice to stay in Powerbooks just reading. I only wish they had more comfortable seats.
I decided on Lauren Conrad’s LA Candy. I know it’s been out for so long already. It’s even got sequels already. But I never really considered reading it since my friend said it was just all about Lauren’s life as a reality star. Never saw her show on MTV by the way. But she sure is pretty isn’t she? Anyhow, back to the book. Now while I haven’t actually gotten around to finishing it yet, so far I think it’s an interesting read. It’s a chic lit. It’s an easy read and entertaining too. If you want a break from heavy reading like those of Haruki Murokami and Paulo Coelho, try LA Candy.

Photo from Seventeen Magazine
joei ♥
Another book to add to the list 😉
Definitely, Maybe
My September Reads - Pieces of Liz
[…] this book was in 2011. I liked it so much that even though I only read a part of it, already called LA Candy a must-read book! LA Candy is Lauren Conrad’s debut novel. Lauren Conrad was a television star best known for […]