Photo by Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels

This post is all about my first Christmas tag! Thank you Vinn of Vinnenroute for the tag! I am truly ecstatic to be participating in this fun blog post!

Christmas Tag Rules:

  • Put on your favourite Christmas playlist to listen to while answering!
  • Have a Christmas drink and/or snack while writing
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you and link to their site
  • Answer the 10 original questions
  • Answer the questions set by whoever tagged you
  • Ask 2 questions of your own
  • Tag 6 bloggers to take part
  • Leave a link or two to some of your 2020 posts!

The Original 10 Questions:

1. What’s your favourite Christmas song? 
My favourite Christmas song? That’s gotta be Wham’s Last Christmas. I just really love the tune. So fun to sing even though I know the meaning is sad. But I do have other favorites which I in fact blogged about before.
2. What kind of food did you leave out for Santa and his reindeers on Christmas Eve?
Why milk and cookies of course!
3. What time do you normally get up on Christmas morning?
Usually around 7 in the morning because I attend mass with my mom before all the Christmas visitors arrive. I’m going to keep that tradition of hearing mass this year but no visitors for safety reasons of course.
4. When do you normally put your Christmas decorations up?
My mom usually makes our house all Christmas-y some time in November. Not this year though. This year, our living room’s looking normal as my mom decided not to put up any decors.

5. Who’s the scrooge in your family/friendship group?

Me. I’m the scrooge! At least I have a tendency to be! It usually has something to do with company parties requiring employees to do group presentations and costumes and/or at times, the scrooge in me comes out when it comes to gift giving particularly when I have trouble finding an item from a wish list.

6. Do you prefer giving or getting gifts?

I like both equally!

7. What does your family usually eat for Christmas dinner?

Our usual Christmas feast comprises of pasta (choice of red or white sauce), macaroni salad, leche flan or buko pandan for dessert

8. Where did you spend last Christmas?

At home with my family.💓

9. What’s your favourite Christmas memory?

When I was a kid, my mom would wake me up come midnight of December 25th and when I come to our living room, I would find that our Christmas tree would be all lit up and my Dad’s socks that we hung at the bar before I went to sleep would be full of goodies! I was convinced Santa actually came to visit!

10. Which Christmas film do you have to watch every year?

I will never tire of Home Alone 1 and 2.

Vinnenroute’s Questions

1. What’s your favorite Christmas outfit? 

I don’t really have one. But it’ll usually be a colorful outfit!

2. Can you tell us a hilarious moment on one of your Christmas holidays?

Last year, my best friend requested for a Game of Thrones funko pop, specifically of Jon Snow. Naturally his partner and my friend who was his Secret Santa wanted to give him Jon Snow and they both asked me a favor to find one.
So my best friend ended up having two Jon Snow funko pops! I told them they were different versions anyway – one was standing and one was sitting on a throne. But Jon Snow is Jon Snow so they like to tease me about this!

Spreading the Christmas love to my fellow bloggers 

Smelly Socks and Garden Peas

Marsy Bun 

Not So Modern Girl 

Lisa’s Notebook

Ramblings of another Unigraduate

Mind. Beauty. Simplicity blog 

My Questions:

1. What’s your favorite Christmas tradition?
2. If Santa could make one wish come true for you, what would you ask?

My Other Posts to Check Out

7 Things I Love About Christmas Season

Films to Watch on Netflix this Christmas

Small Businesses to Shop from this Christmas for Food Lovers 

Merry Christmas Everyone!